Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver

Hot Tub Maintenance

Hot Tub Service

"Serving Greater Metro
Denver Since 1998"

Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver

Tips for Hot Tub Maintenance

Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip – Sanitizing with Ozone: OZONE has the ability to kill most known bacteria. It is also more cost effective than other sanitizers because it is not affected by pH drift nor does it cause pH drift. OZONE is fed into spa water continuously, which creates a safer environment for users. OZONE does not introduce byproducts to the water as other sanitizers do, thereby helping to prevent cloudy water, and allergic reactions. Although ozone will reduce chemical balance fluctuation and simplify maintenance, it will not eliminate the need for water treatment, testing and balancing. Furthermore, scheduled additions of a non-chlorine/non-bromine sanitizer, and shocking with CHLORINE is essential. If your spa has a UV OZONATOR, replace your OZONATOR every 2 years.
Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip – Stain and Scale Prevention: Water contains minerals and dissolved solids. High temperatures create excessive evaporation, which concentrates these particles. If not treated properly, the results will be stain and scale build up, clogged pipes, corroded equipment, and spa surface discoloration. A Stain and Scale Prevention product should be added to spa water weekly or bi-weekly to lock-up minerals and dissolved solids.
Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip - Water Clarity: There are several types of particles that contribute to cloudy water. The largest contributor of contaminants is the human body. Strong water velocity and high temperatures in a spa pulls organic matter such as body oils, skin flakes, hair, and perspiration as well as lotions and cosmetics from the body into the water. If these wastes are not treated properly, the results will be an unpleasant odor and/or discolored water. Treatment includes weekly additions of a clarifier, (a coagulating agent that helps particles get trapped in the filter(s)), combined with daily filtration. A single speed or two-pump system with a time clock should circulate for 4-6 hours each day. Most portable spas and 2 speed pump systems circulate continuously or intermittently with temperature fluctuation to achieve necessary filtration.
Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip - Taking a 10+ Day Vacation: Perform your weekly maintenance the day before you leave. Perform your weekly maintenance the day you return. If water is cloudy, shock your water with 1 teaspoon of Chlorine per 100 gallons of water, run the jets 1 hour.
Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip – Stains: The best and safest product you can use to remove stains from your hot tub surface is Baking Soda. Caution: Do not use on Pearl Finishes.
Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip – Testing: You can save time and money by using a good quality test strip instead of a test kit with reagents.
Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip – Chemical Storage: It is important to stow chemicals out of 1) direct sunlight, 2) extreme hot temperatures, and 3) extreme cold temperatures.
Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip – Testing: High Bromine or Chlorine levels will cause false test results for pH and Total Alkalinity. Be sure your Bromine or Chlorine level is below 6 ppm before testing for pH or Total Alkalinity.
Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip – Adding Chemicals: Keep your jets running throughout adding chemicals, and keep your air mixture control valves closed to minimize foaming.
Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip – Cleaning Hot Tub Surface: Never use household cleaners or cleansers to clean your Hot tub surface. Many will damage the surface and most will cause extensive foaming.
Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver
Hot Tub Maintenance Tip – Hosting a Party: Three hours before the party, shock spa with ½ teaspoon of Chlorine per 100 gallons and run the jets for 30’. After the party, shock spa with 1 teaspoon of Chlorine per 100 gallons and run the jets for 10’.

Hot Tub Service and Maintenance Denver

1155 South Huron Street
Denver, CO 80223
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